Our hosting solutions utilize cloud computing, giving your customers a seemless experience for your e-commerce site, or any website that you may host with us. This allows your website to operate virtually on a 100% uptime basis (not counting maintenance windows).
We have two main datacenters that are fully power redundant, and also feature multiple internet connections to each data center. With these features, you will know that if there is a glitch on the internet that is due to the provider, your customers will still be able to access your site! You can also rest assured that we take your data security seriously, as our datacenters contain biometric (fingerprint) security to control access to the physical location. Our datacenters are also monitored by industry professionals on a 24x7 basis, ensuring even more uptime.
You can be sure that when you host with Husky Web Design, that your website will have the maximum amount of uptime that your business needs.
We also offer email hosting (SMTP/POP3), Microsoft Exchange account hosting, and the latest in spam filtering technology to ensure that your business does not waste time dealing with junk email.
We can also host your company's FTP site, streaming audio and/or video as well. This offers your company with a full line of products that are guaranteed to help your business grow and become a success, all while keeping costs at the absolute minimum without sacrificing quality of support and services.